Open Call 2024: International Festival Campus "Communications about Art"


Ruhrtriennale 2024 invites you to the International Festival Campus at PACT Zollverein: artists and students can look forward to a four-day programme curated in cooperation with art academies and universities from all over Europe. A participation includes several visits to the festival's performances, installations and exhibitions as well as taking part in a workshop revolving around the topic "Communications about Art", organized and held by lecturers from participating universities. There will also be artist talks, critique discussions and, above all, the opportunity to exchange ideas with international artists and art students from various genres.

The Ruhrtriennale campus program has existed since 2012 and is one of the largest of its kind. It is based on the belief that every aesthetic experience can only achieve sustainability through a lively, critical and committed discourse that extends beyond disciplinary boundaries. The Ruhrtriennale Festivalcampus creates space for such encounters: between established artists and newcomers, between the successful avant-garde and subversive experimentation, between artists with very different working methods from different cultural contexts. Where practical experiments meet theoretical reflection - in a scope, radicality and intensity that only an international festival can offer.

The program focus "Communication(s) about Art" explores the question of how art can (better) be talked about publicly in the future. Which media, forms and formats will lead to which new possibilities? How can a diverse audience be generated and strengthened through exchange and discussion? How can ongoing exclusions - linguistic, ableist, institutional - be reflected upon and overcome communicatively and with perspective?

What the International Festivalcampus offers all participants

  • Free admission to selected events of the festival incl. free shuttle service
  • Free participation in a workshop in the studios of PACT Zollverein, offered by lecturers from European partner universities
  • Free accommodation in a hotel in Essen (twin room), incl. breakfast and one hot meal per day

Participation fee: 25€

How to apply

Those interested are to apply by 30th May 2024 with a letter of motivation (max. 1 page) and CV (if applicable artistic portfolio) to Please indicate which of the two possible time periods you would like to participate in: 8th Aug–1st Sept [1] OR 12 th–15th Sept [2].

Questions about the program may as well be addressed to 

The number of spots is limited to 20. Selection will be made by the Festivalcampus team.

The application deadline is the 30th May 2024
Selection of participants by the end of June 2024.

[1] Artistic programme on 8th Aug – 1st Sept: Bérénice by Romeo Castellucci, I Want Absolute Beauty by Ivo Van Hove, Y by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Pump Into The Future Ball by Georgina Philp; workshops with Tinka Avramchova (Theaterakademie Prague), Anna Burzynska (University of Krakow), Paul Norman (Birmingham).

[2] Artistic programme on 12th–15th Sept: Haugtussa by Eline Arbo, Guintche (Live Version) by Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Pferd frisst Hut by Herbert Grönemeyer and Herbert Fritsch; Workshops: Mira Sack (ZHdK Zurich), Agathe MacQueen (HBK Dresden), Imanuel Schipper and Giacomo Veronesi (Theater Academy Helsinki).