Welcome to the press area of the Ruhrtriennale!
We look forward to seeing you again at the next Ruhrtriennale from August 21 to September 21, 2025. We will present you the program of this year's Ruhrtriennale on April 2, 2025. For your preliminary information: we will be meeting at PACT Zollverein in Essen at 11:00 am. The press conference will not be broadcast digitally this time but will take place exclusively on site. We look forward to seeing you and will send out the official invitation in mid-March.
Press material for your reporting
In the download section / press material you find the latest information as well as images in printable resolution. The images may be used free of charge exclusively in connection with the events of the Ruhrtriennale and with mention of the artist/company, title of the production and photographer. Please refer to the file information for copyright details. A specimen via E-Mail is much appreciated.
Press distribution list
Press releases
Press material
Press contact
Stephanie Noack
Head of Communications
T +49 (0) 234 97 483-337
Stefanie Matjeka
Press Officer
T +49 (0) 234 97 483-410