Ruhrtriennale hosts Mortier Next Generation Award 2025


Next year, the Ruhrtriennale is organising the Mortier Next Generation Award together with the Mortier Awards Association. It is aimed at young artists and supports projects and productions that are inspired by or continue the vision of Gerard Mortier.

The winner will be given the opportunity to perform the submitted project as part of the Ruhrtriennale 2026. Prize money of 30,000 euros will be made available. Winning the Mortier Next Generation Award is also associated with a fellowship of several months at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

Artists can apply until 15 November 2024 at All persons who have not yet reached the age of 35 by the submission deadline are eligible to participate. All applications must include a project description and a cost calculation for the project. Further details on the scope and form of the application and the terms and conditions of the competition can be found on the Mortier Awards website. The award decision will be made by an independent jury in the first quarter of 2025.

The Mortier Next Generation Award was created to make the legacy of the theatre visionary Gerard Mortier, who died in 2014, fruitful for the present day. It is awarded every two years by the Mortier Awards Association. The prize honours people who strive to find new ways of artistic expression in the spirit of Mortier.

Gerard Mortier headed traditional opera houses for more than three decades and was the founding director of the Ruhrtriennale. "Making theatre means breaking the routine of everyday life, questioning the acceptance of economic, political and military violence as normality, sensitising the community (...) and affirming that the world can be better than it is," he noted in his last book Dramaturgie einer Leidenschaft.