New discourse format "Brave New Voices" at the Ruhrtriennale


Brave New Voices gives young, strong authors a stage at the Ruhrtriennale. Every Sunday in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, they engage in dialogue with the audience and give an insight into their work and their creative writing process. The focus is also on current social issues and developments, as no text is created without context.

In the Brave New Voices series, Édouard Louis (18 Aug), Sivan Ben Yishai (25 Aug), Fatma Aydemir and Hengameh Yaghoobifarah (1 Sept) Jeremy O. Harris (8 Sept) and Cemile Sahin (15 Sept) will talk about their texts and the world with moderator Fatima Khan.

The talks with Édouard Louis, Sivan Ben Yishai and Jeremy O. Harris will be simultaneously translated from English into German. Sign language interpreters will be available for the entire literature and discourse series.

Tickets and detailed information about the artists can be found at