Junge Triennale
Zeche Zollverein Essen, Außengelände, Westpark Bochum, Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Außengelände

Elephants in sight! The grey giants travel across the Ruhr region.

Celebrate when and where you can! For three days in a row we will be doing this in Essen, Duisburg and Bochum in the Landschaftspark, at Zollverein and in the Westpark, when a pair of elephants cross the Ruhr region together with their young. Instead of real elephants, life-sized artist-built creatures will explore the area. They are presented by the Handspring Puppet Company from South Africa, famous around the world for their fantastic creations (including War Horse and Little Amal), working here in collaboration with the Ukwanda Puppets & Designs Art Collective. These are the Celebration Parade’s first stops in Europe and, accompanied by music, it will explore it surroundings and invite school classes, children and families to make their own animal figures in advance at school and at the Festival Centre that they can then bring to life in the parade. A celebration you won’t forget!

Produced by Handspring Puppet Company and Ukwanda Puppets & Design Collective. In Cooperation with the Figurentheater-Kolleg Bochum. Supported by Figurentheaterkolleg e.V. Commissioned by WOMADelaide 2024.

„The celebration is on many levels. I think it is an awareness of endangered animals on the one hand but also a celebration of an achievement of your own creativity.“
Jill Joubert, Handspring Puppet Company
  • Lebensgroße Elefantenfiguren umgeben von Personen mit Instrumenten und Kindern
    © Morgan Sette
  • Celebration Parade mit lebensgroßen Elefantenfiguren umgeben von Publikum
    © Samuel Graves
  • Celebration Parade mit lebensgroßen Elefantenfiguren umgeben von Publikum
    © Saige Prime
  • Celebration Parade mit lebensgroßen Elefantenfiguren umgeben von Publikum
    © Saige Prime
  • Cast

    • Production
      • Handspring Puppet Company
    • Artistic Direction
      • Basil Jones ,
      • Adrian Kohler
    • Puppetry Director
      • Craig Leo ,
      • Enrico Wey
    • Puppeteers & Training
      • Ukwanda Puppets & Designs Art Collective (Siphokazi Mpofu, Luyanda Nogodlwana, Sipho Ngxola) ,
      • Siphokazi Mpofu ,
      • Sipho Ngxola ,
      • Luyanda Nogodlwana
    • Handspring Education Director
      • Jill Joubert
    • Creative Producers
      • Quaternaire (Sarah Ford, Felicitas Willems) ,
      • Sarah Ford ,
      • Felicitas Willems
    • Technical Project Manager Ruhrtriennale
      • Sebastian Fenk
    • Build your Puppet! – Puppet building workshop for children


    • Supporters

      With the kind support of the RAG-Stiftung. Funded by the Stiftung Mercator.

    Anreise und Anfahrt

    Die Celebration Parade erkundet, begleitet von Musik, die Gelände rund um den Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, das UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein in Essen und den Westpark Bochum. Für Informationen zu Anreise und Anfahrt und über die Barrierefreiheit an den jeweiligen Orten, klicke auf die untenstehenden Kacheln. 

    Dates and Tickets
    Thu 29.8.2024
    9 a.m. Junge Triennale Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Außengelände
    10.30 a.m. Junge Triennale Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Außengelände
    12 p.m. Junge Triennale Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Außengelände
    Fri 30.8.2024
    9 a.m. Junge Triennale Zeche Zollverein Essen, Außengelände
    10.30 a.m. Junge Triennale Zeche Zollverein Essen, Außengelände
    12 p.m. Junge Triennale Zeche Zollverein Essen, Außengelände
    Sat 31.8.2024