Do-It-Yourself Saturdays
Workshops for young and old
Ruhrtriennale offers a range of different workshops as part of an expanded understanding of outreach work. With regards to barrier sensitivity, the festival is not only concerned with providing access to various events for people with disabilities. Sensitising the audience through workshops is equally important. We have invited specialised lecturers who provide insights into different (body) languages and the experience of reality from a different perspective, as “practical exercises in democracy”.
About the workshops
- Barrieresensibilität: Umgang mit Blinden und Sehbehinderten
- Barrieresensibilität: Einführung in die Perspektiven und Lebenswelten von Tauben Menschen
- Build your Puppet! – Figurenbau-Workshop für die Celebration Parade
- Einführung in den traditionellen Roma-Tanz
- Kreative Gesprächsformate mit Triennale Teens Talk
Directions and arrival
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
An der Jahrhunderthalle 1
44793 Bochum